#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {- Debian dependencies: $ sudo apt-get install libghc-hakyll-dev libghc-pandoc-dev libghc-filestore-dev libghc-tagsoup-dev imagemagick s3cmd git (GHC is needed for Haskell; Hakyll & Pandoc do the heavy lifting of compiling Markdown files to HTML; tag soup & ImageMagick are runtime dependencies used to help optimize images, and s3cmd/git upload to hosting/Github respectively.) $ cd ~/wiki/ && ghc -rtsopts -threaded -O2 -fforce-recomp -optl-s --make hakyll.hs && ./hakyll rebuild +RTS -N3 -RTS && echo -n -e '\a' && emacs -nw _site/Modafinil && s3cmd -v -v --human-readable-sizes --reduced-redundancy --guess-mime-type --default-mime-type=text/html --add-header="Cache-Control: max-age=604800, public" --delete-removed sync _site/ s3://www.gwern.net/ && s3cmd --reduced-redundancy --mime-type=text/css --add-header="Cache-Control: max-age=604800, public" put ./_site/static/css/default.css s3://www.gwern.net/static/css/ && rm -rf ~/wiki/_cache/ ~/wiki/_site/ && rm ./hakyll *.o *.hi ; git push; echo -n -e '\a' Explanations: - we could run Hakyll with a command like `./hakyll.hs build` but this would run much slower than if we compile an optimized parallelized binary & run it with multiple threads; this comes at the cost of considerable extra complexity in the invocation, though, since we need to compile it with fancy options, run it with other options, and then at the end clean up by deleting the compiled binary & intermediates (GHC cannot take care of them on its own: https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/4114 ) - `rebuild` instead of 'build' because IIRC there was some problem where Hakyll didn't like extension-less files so incremental syncs/builds don't work; this tells Hakyll to throw everything away without even trying to check - Emacs: I manually edit the ads on the Modafinil page away from the default to the current sponsor; I should probably figure out how to do this automatically with the templating system but meh, I don't sync gwern.net *that* often - s3cmd: - `--reduced-redundancy` saves a bit of money; no need for high-durability since everything is backed up locally in the git repo, after all - s3cmd's MIME type detection has been unreliable in the past, so we need to force a default, especially for the extension-less (HTML) files - the second, apparently redundant, CSS upload is an example of the MIME flakiness: for some reason, s3cmd sometimes uploads `*.css` files as the default MIME type! Of curse, browsers ignore any CSS served as text/HTML or the further default of octetstream, so gwern.net then breaks. By forcing an upload with a hardwired CSS MIME, we can avoid this being an issue ever again. - after that, we clean up after ourselves and sync with the Github mirror as well - the 'echo' calls are there to ring the terminal bell and notify the user that he needs to edit the Modafinil file or that the whole thing is done -} import Codec.Binary.UTF8.String (encode) import Control.Exception (onException) import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 (unpack) import Data.Char (isAlphaNum, isAscii, toLower, isLetter) import Data.List (isInfixOf, isPrefixOf, nub, sort) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Network.HTTP (urlEncode) import Network.URI (unEscapeString) import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) import qualified Data.Map as M (fromList, lookup, Map) import System.FilePath (takeBaseName, takeExtension) import Data.FileStore.Utils (runShellCommand) import Hakyll (applyTemplateList, buildTags, compile, composeRoutes, constField, copyFileCompiler, dateField, defaultContext, defaultHakyllReaderOptions, fromFilePath, defaultHakyllWriterOptions, fromCapture, getRoute, gsubRoute, hakyll, idRoute, itemIdentifier, loadAll, loadAndApplyTemplate, loadBody, makeItem, match, modificationTimeField, mapContext, pandocCompilerWithTransformM, relativizeUrls, route, setExtension, pathField, preprocess, tagsField, tagsRules, templateCompiler, version, Compiler, Context, Identifier, Item, Pattern, Rules, Tags, unsafeCompiler) import Hakyll.Web.Redirect (createRedirects) import System.Exit (ExitCode(ExitFailure)) import Text.HTML.TagSoup (renderTagsOptions,parseTags,renderOptions, optMinimize, Tag(TagOpen)) import Text.Pandoc (bottomUp, nullAttr, -- Extension(Ext_markdown_in_html_blocks), ReaderOptions(..), Block(Header), HTMLMathMethod(MathML), Inline(..), ObfuscationMethod(NoObfuscation), Pandoc(..), WriterOptions(..)) import Text.Pandoc.Walk (walkM) import Text.Printf (printf) import Data.List.Utils (replace) -- local custom modules: import Inflation (nominalToRealInflationAdjuster) import LinkMetadata (readLinkMetadata, annotateLink, Metadata) -- redirects are now defined in data files, not as Haskell modules w/constants import System.Environment (lookupEnv) ext = unsafePerformIO (fromMaybe "" <$> (lookupEnv "EXT")) main :: IO () main = hakyll $ do -- create static redirect pages for outdated/broken incoming links (goes first so any collisions with content, the redirects will lose) preprocess $ print "Redirects parsing..." b1 <- readRedirects "static/redirects/Redirects.hs" b2 <- readRedirects "static/redirects/Redirects2.hs" version "redirects" $ createRedirects $ b1++b2 -- handle the simple static non-.page files let static = route idRoute >> compile copyFileCompiler version "static" $ mapM_ (`match` static) [ "docs/**", "haskell/**.hs", "images/**", "**.hs", "**.sh", "**.txt", "**.html", "**.page", "**.css", "static/**", "static/img/**", "static/js/**", "atom.xml", -- copy stub of deprecated RSS feed "index"] match "static/templates/*.html" $ compile templateCompiler tags <- buildTags "**.page" (fromCapture "tags/*") -- popup metadata: preprocess $ print "Popups parsing..." meta <- preprocess readLinkMetadata match "**.page" $ do -- strip extension since users shouldn't care if HTML3-5/XHTML/etc (cool URLs); delete apostrophes/commas & replace spaces with hyphens -- as people keep screwing them up endlessly: route $ gsubRoute "," (const "") `composeRoutes` gsubRoute "'" (const "") `composeRoutes` gsubRoute " " (const "-") `composeRoutes` setExtension ext -- https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/pandoc-discuss/HVHY7-IOLSs let readerOptions = defaultHakyllReaderOptions -- { -- readerExtensions = Data.Set.filter (/=Ext_markdown_in_html_blocks) $ readerExtensions defaultHakyllReaderOptions } compile $ pandocCompilerWithTransformM readerOptions woptions (unsafeCompiler . pandocTransform meta) >>= loadAndApplyTemplate "static/templates/default.html" (postCtx tags) >>= imgUrls >>= relativizeUrls tagsRules tags $ \tag pattern -> do let title = "Tag: " ++ tag route idRoute compile $ tagPage tags title pattern -- | We read in Redirect.hs/Redirect2.hs as data files which happen to be formatted Haskell-style, [(a,b)]; -- the old trick of defining simple Haskell constant value functions '[(Identifier,FilePath)]' turns out to bloat compile & link times & binary sizes unacceptably once you get into the thousands of redirects. readRedirects :: FilePath -> Rules [(Identifier, String)] readRedirects f = do brokenLinks <- preprocess (fmap read (readFile f) :: IO [(FilePath,String)]) let brokenLinks' = map (\(a,b) -> (fromFilePath a, b)) brokenLinks return brokenLinks' woptions :: WriterOptions woptions = defaultHakyllWriterOptions{ writerSectionDivs = True, writerTableOfContents = True, writerColumns = 120, writerTemplate = Just "
", writerTOCDepth = 4, writerHtmlQTags = False, writerHTMLMathMethod = Text.Pandoc.MathML, writerEmailObfuscation = NoObfuscation } postList :: Tags -> Pattern -> ([Item String] -> Compiler [Item String]) -> Compiler String postList tags pattern preprocess' = do postItemTemplate <- loadBody "static/templates/postitem.html" posts' <- loadAll pattern posts <- preprocess' posts' applyTemplateList postItemTemplate (postCtx tags) posts tagPage :: Tags -> String -> Pattern -> Compiler (Item String) tagPage tags title pattern = do list <- postList tags pattern (return . id) makeItem "" >>= loadAndApplyTemplate "static/templates/tags.html" (constField "posts" list <> constField "title" title <> defaultContext) >>= relativizeUrls imgUrls :: Item String -> Compiler (Item String) imgUrls item = do rte <- getRoute $ itemIdentifier item return $ case rte of Nothing -> item Just _ -> fmap (unsafePerformIO . addImgDimensions) item postCtx :: Tags -> Context String postCtx tags = tagsField "tagsHTML" tags <> defaultContext <> dateField "created" "%d %b %Y" <> dateField "modified" "%d %b %Y" <> modificationTimeField "modified" "%d %b %Y" <> constField "author" "shawwn" <> constField "status" "N/A" <> constField "confidence" "log" <> constField "description" "N/A" <> constField "importance" "0" <> constField "cssExtension" "" <> escapedTitleField "safeURL" where escapedTitleField = mapContext (map toLower . filter isLetter . takeBaseName) . pathField pandocTransform :: Metadata -> Pandoc -> IO Pandoc pandocTransform md = walkM (annotateLink md) . bottomUp headerSelflink . bottomUp (map (nominalToRealInflationAdjuster. convertInterwikiLinks . convertHakyllLinks . addAmazonAffiliate)) -- For Amazon links, there are two scenarios: there are parameters (denoted by a -- '?' in the URL), or there are not. In the former, we need to append the tag as -- another item ('&tag='), while in the latter, we need to set up our own -- parameter ('?tag='). The transform may be run many times since -- they are supposed to be pure, so we -- need to also check a tag hasn't already been appended. -- -- For non-Amazon links, we just return them unchanged. addAmazonAffiliate :: Inline -> Inline addAmazonAffiliate x@(Link _ r (l, t)) = if (("amazon.com/" `isInfixOf` l) && not ("tag=gwernnet-20" `isInfixOf` l)) then if ("?" `isInfixOf` l) then Link nullAttr r (l++"&tag=gwernnet-20", t) else Link nullAttr r (l++"?tag=gwernnet-20", t) else x addAmazonAffiliate x = x -- GITIT -> HAKYLL LINKS PLUGIN -- | Convert links with no URL to wikilinks. convertHakyllLinks :: Inline -> Inline convertHakyllLinks (Link _ ref ("", "")) = let ref' = inlinesToURL ref in Link nullAttr ref (ref', "Go to wiki page: " ++ ref') convertHakyllLinks x = x -- | Derives a URL from a list of Pandoc Inline elements. inlinesToURL :: [Inline] -> String inlinesToURL x = let x' = inlinesToString x (a,b) = break (=='%') x' in escape a ++ b -- copied from "XMonad.Actions.Search" escape :: String -> String escape = concatMap escapeURIChar where escapeURIChar :: Char -> String escapeURIChar c | isAscii c && isAlphaNum c = [c] | otherwise = concatMap (printf "%%%02X") $ encode [c] -- | Make headers into links to themselves, so they can be clicked on or copy-pasted easily. headerSelflink :: Block -> Block headerSelflink (Header a (href,b,c) d) = Header a (href,b,c) [Link nullAttr d ("#"++href,"Link to section: '"++inlinesToString(d)++"'")] headerSelflink x = x -- FASTER HTML RENDERING BY STATICLY SPECIFYING ALL IMAGE DIMENSIONS -- read HTML string with TagSoup, process `` tags to read the file's dimensions, and hardwire them -- this optimizes HTML rendering since browsers know before downloading the image how to layout the page addImgDimensions :: String -> IO String addImgDimensions = fmap (renderTagsOptions renderOptions{optMinimize=whitelist}) . mapM staticImg . parseTags where whitelist s = s /= "div" && s /= "script" {- example illustration: TagOpen "img" [("src","/images/201201-201207-traffic-history.png") ("alt","Plot of page-hits (y-axis) versus date (x-axis)")], TagOpen "figcaption" [],TagText "Plot of page-hits (y-axis) versus date (x-axis)", TagClose "figcaption",TagText "\n",TagClose "figure" -} staticImg :: Tag String -> IO (Tag String) staticImg x@(TagOpen "img" xs) = if vector then return x else do let optimizedH = lookup "height" xs let optimizedW = lookup "width" xs case optimizedH of Just _ -> return x Nothing -> do case optimizedW of Just _ -> return x Nothing -> do case path of Nothing -> return x Just p -> do let p' = if head p == '/' then tail p else p (height,width) <- imageMagick p' `onException` (putStrLn p) -- body max-width is 1600 px, sidebar is 150px, so any image wider than ~1400px -- will wind up being reflowed by the 'img { max-width: 100%; }' responsive-image CSS declaration; -- let's avoid that specific case by lying about its width, although this doesn't fix all the reflowing. -- No images should be more than a screen in height either, so we'll set a maximum of 1400 let width' = show ((read width::Int) `min` 1400) let height' = show ((read height::Int) `min` 1400) return (TagOpen "img" (uniq ([("height", height'), ("width", width')]++xs))) where uniq = nub . sort path = lookup "src" xs vector = ((takeExtension $ fromMaybe ".png" path) == ".svg") || ("data:image/" `isPrefixOf` (fromMaybe ".png" path)) staticImg x = return x -- | Use FileStore util to run imageMagick's 'identify', & extract the dimensions -- Note that for animated GIFs, 'identify' returns width/height for each frame of the GIF, which in -- most cases will all be the same, so we take the first line of whatever dimensions 'identify' returns. imageMagick :: FilePath -> IO (String,String) imageMagick f = do (status,_,bs) <- runShellCommand "./" Nothing "identify" ["-format", "%h %w\n", f] case status of ExitFailure _ -> error f _ -> do let [height, width] = words $ head $ lines $ (unpack bs) return (height, width) -- INTERWIKI PLUGIN -- | Convert a list of inlines into a string. inlinesToString :: [Inline] -> String inlinesToString = concatMap go where go x = case x of Str s -> s Emph x' -> inlinesToString x' Code _ s -> s _ -> " " convertInterwikiLinks :: Inline -> Inline convertInterwikiLinks (Link _ ref (interwiki, article)) = case interwiki of ('!':interwiki') -> case M.lookup interwiki' interwikiMap of Just url -> case article of "" -> Link nullAttr ref (url `interwikiurl` inlinesToString ref, summary $ unEscapeString $ inlinesToString ref) _ -> Link nullAttr ref (url `interwikiurl` article, summary article) Nothing -> Link nullAttr ref (interwiki, article) where -- 'https://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Emperor_Palpatine' interwikiurl u a = u ++ (replace "%20" "_" $ replace "%23" "#" $ urlEncode (deunicode a)) deunicode = map (\x -> if x == '’' then '\'' else x) -- 'Wookieepedia: Emperor Palpatine' summary a = interwiki' ++ ": " ++ a _ -> Link nullAttr ref (interwiki, article) convertInterwikiLinks x = x -- | Large table of constants; this is a mapping from shortcuts to a URL. The URL can be used by -- appending to it the article name (suitably URL-escaped, of course). interwikiMap :: M.Map String String interwikiMap = M.fromList $ wpInterwikiMap ++ customInterwikiMap wpInterwikiMap, customInterwikiMap :: [(String, String)] customInterwikiMap = [("Hackage", "https://hackage.haskell.org/package/"), ("Hawiki", "https://haskell.org/haskellwiki/"), ("Hoogle", "https://www.haskell.org/hoogle/?hoogle=")] wpInterwikiMap = [("Wikipedia", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/"), ("Wikiquote", "https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/"), ("Wiktionary", "https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/")]